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Welcome to Wasatch Life Television

Have you ever wished that there was a full service commercial television station that more fully reflected your community values, shared your stories, and celebrated your heroes? One that entertains, educates, motivates and inspires viewers to live life to the fullest? Now there is.

Since television went digital in 2009, new opportunities have emerged, allowing more than one station to broadcast from a single channel. Many of Utah's stations have chosen to stream national feeds from other networks or ignore this new possibility to serve the community.

Wasatch Life Television 20-2 is owned and operated independent of every other station including primary station, KTMW 20-1. We are replacing Retro TV to create a new destination station on the dial for your family.

Wasatch Life Television is Your Family's Destination Station

Wasatch Life Television will fill many of the voids left by other Raftingcommercial television stations. Programming will include prime time coverage of outdoor related recreation, current events, adventure travel, home and garden, self reliance and emergency preparedness along with family friendly movies, education, and entertainment.

As an independent broadcaster, Wasatch Life Television will carefully select a blend of local and national programming, which will reflect Utah's core family values, honor tradition, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Since we are an independent voice, we are not required to run programming that is contrary to our own community standards and values as other major stations do.

We will share the stories that are not being told. We will celebrate history, events, heroes and opportunities with viewers throughout the heart of Utah. We will share stories from partnering businesses, travel opportunities, destination locations, and heart warming human interest stories that will appeal to the viewers in our area.

Wasatch Life Television 20-2 is creating a stage that will be visible throughout the Wasatch Front and serve the community with features focused on communities with whom we partner. This station will serve as a beacon to viewers throughout the Wasatch Front and bring families and businesses to the community to discover these opportunities on their own.

Wasatch Life Television is brought to you by the producers of Western Life Radio and Backcountry Utah celebrating 23 years of broadcasting excellence.

We invite you to be part of Wasatch Life Television as a viewer, a sponsor, community partner or content producer. Please feel free to contact us to learn how you can be a part of this exciting opportunity.
